2023 - January Update - Heaven Brass, Marion City Band, Warriparinga Brass

2023 - January Update
Type of post: Brass Band news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Jenny DOE
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 23 Jan 2023

Finishing up for 2022

The Christmas season was a busy time for the band, with various pageants, community carols and supporting at Christmas events.   Our face book feed keeps track on most of these, so visit us and follow for updates on what we are up to.

Starting with the Mount Gambier Christmas pageant, to kick us off (rain and all this year!) and the Lions Blue Lake Brass Band Festival, the band headed down south-east to the Mount to join in the festivities.  With many newer players and families on board, for several this was their first time travelling with the band to Mount Gambier.   Not letting a little rain dampen enthusiasm, the Christmas pageant went on … as did the afternoon stage competition.

An extra well done mention to Heaven Brass, who combined with Mount Gambiers Waarwor learner band to play onstage for “adjudication comment”.   What a great way to support our newest player, and big thanks to the Lions Competition Management Team also for including this within the stage lineup.

Locally for Christmas, we supported at the Glenelg Christmas Pageant, Blackwood Christmas Pageant, Lobethal Christmas Pageant, Mount Barker Christmas Pageant, Glandore Carols, Trott Park Christmas Carols, Glenelg Christmas Pageant, Puddle Jumpers family party and Carols around our neighbourhood.


First up for this year is the City of Marion Australia Day awards, being held January 25th, at the newly built Mitchell Park Sports and Commmunity Centre, where we are supporting for two sessions (arrival, and later outside entertainment).
Info can be found for this at https://www.marion.sa.gov.au/about-council/awards/australia-day-awards

Look out for us in the line up at the Concert at the Cove, being held February 4th where we are providing some early crowd entertainment.

We have an upcoming performance for family and friends of the band on Wednesday 29 March.  With a little over the high seas trip in the planning to Kangaroo Island, we will be showcasing our repertoire before we go….!

We regularly support council events, and other private functions, so will be looking forward to upcoming performance events, so keep and eye out on our facebook page, as this has more information on what we are up to, and what we have done.


We are always on the look out for players in our ranks of all abilities.  Unique to South Australian community bands, we have three ensembles of experience, being a learner ensemble (non competition), a C Grade and a B Grade Competition band registration.  

We have a few vacancies for experienced players who may be keen to join our ranks.  Please contact our MD Aaron Madden or email secretary@marioncityband.org if you wish to know more information.