Marion City Band Heads to New Zealand for Prestigious Band Championship Did you know that the City of Marion boasts one of the most active brass bands in South Australia, possibly even Australia? For over 50 years Marion City Band has been entertaining our City, providing quality music to accompany civic ceremonies such as Australia Day, ANZAC Day and Christmas pageants. The band also provides a valuable outlet for musicians of all ages and skill level to reach their musical potential in an inclusive and supportive environment. Competitions are an important component of brass band culture. During brass band competitions each band perform major works, sacred pieces, marches and entertainment pieces to showcase their talents and improve musical skills. In the past 12 months Marion City Band has competed in the South Australian Band Championships, Australian National Brass Band Championships (held in Adelaide in April 2024) and most recently, the New Zealand Brass Band Championships. In July 2024, Marion City Band took a group of approximately 30 musicians ranging in age from 17 years – 65 years to the New Zealand Brass Band Championships. Marion City Band was one of 10 bands in the B grade division and competed against bands from Tonga, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand and NSW’s City of Parramatta. The standard of competition was exceptionally high. While Marion City Band didn’t place, the experience was an enjoyable one for the band and fantastic memories were made. If you’re a brass musician or percussionist, or are interested in learning, Marion City Band would love you to hear from you! Marion City Band rehearses in their Edwardstown band hall every Wednesday evening from 7:30pm. New members are always welcome and the band is particularly in need of experienced cornet and percussion players. Beginners are encouraged to attend the Warriparinga Brass development band, which rehearses prior to the senior band, from 6pm – 7pm. Instruments can be provided at no charge and tutoring can be provided. For more information visit or email: |
What a great Easter weekend it has been with the Australian National Band Championships being held in Adelaide. With two bands performing this weekend it has been huge. Marion City Band in B grade brass provided an excellent solid performance on stage, and Warriparinga Brass in C Grade brass were able to hold their own with great style - with half the band performing in their first nationals it was a brilliant play overall and great experience for all the players. A number of our musicians also assisted across more than one band, supporting in a primary or secondary instrument. A huge shout of thanks to them also doubling their preparation time coming into this competition. The full events results are listed via the Nationals Band Championships facebook. A huge thanks to everyone making this weekend happen, the MDS, the players, the volunteers, the admin behind the scenes,, sponsors, the organising and logistics that go into running this is huge and hats off to everyone and pat on the back all round. If you missed anything, or would like to review a performance, head to where livestream performance recording can be located. Bands will also (soon) have links for adjudication recording comments. ![]() ![]() |
Finishing up for 2022 The Christmas season was a busy time for the band, with various pageants, community carols and supporting at Christmas events. Our face book feed keeps track on most of these, so visit us and follow for updates on what we are up to. Starting with the Mount Gambier Christmas pageant, to kick us off (rain and all this year!) and the Lions Blue Lake Brass Band Festival, the band headed down south-east to the Mount to join in the festivities. With many newer players and families on board, for several this was their first time travelling with the band to Mount Gambier. Not letting a little rain dampen enthusiasm, the Christmas pageant went on … as did the afternoon stage competition. An extra well done mention to Heaven Brass, who combined with Mount Gambiers Waarwor learner band to play onstage for “adjudication comment”. What a great way to support our newest player, and big thanks to the Lions Competition Management Team also for including this within the stage lineup. Locally for Christmas, we supported at the Glenelg Christmas Pageant, Blackwood Christmas Pageant, Lobethal Christmas Pageant, Mount Barker Christmas Pageant, Glandore Carols, Trott Park Christmas Carols, Glenelg Christmas Pageant, Puddle Jumpers family party and Carols around our neighbourhood. 2023 First up for this year is the City of Marion Australia Day awards, being held January 25th, at the newly built Mitchell Park Sports and Commmunity Centre, where we are supporting for two sessions (arrival, and later outside entertainment). Info can be found for this at Look out for us in the line up at the Concert at the Cove, being held February 4th where we are providing some early crowd entertainment. We have an upcoming performance for family and friends of the band on Wednesday 29 March. With a little over the high seas trip in the planning to Kangaroo Island, we will be showcasing our repertoire before we go….! We regularly support council events, and other private functions, so will be looking forward to upcoming performance events, so keep and eye out on our facebook page, as this has more information on what we are up to, and what we have done. NEW PLAYERS We are always on the look out for players in our ranks of all abilities. Unique to South Australian community bands, we have three ensembles of experience, being a learner ensemble (non competition), a C Grade and a B Grade Competition band registration. We have a few vacancies for experienced players who may be keen to join our ranks. Please contact our MD Aaron Madden or email if you wish to know more information. |
Marion City Band Inc is calling for EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST to take on the role/s of MUSICAL DIRECTOR. A detailed position description is attached. Enquiries are welcome, please contact our president Bec Watt on 0402 405 980, or email . | |||
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Council Play-out George Street Reserve ![]() The band was excited to support recently at a Council occasion for the re-open of a community playground in Marion. A great opportunity to pull out some vintage music and make some fun music. We were able to do a bit of filming also of the mornings play, so have a look at our facebook page (and the youtube video link below) to catch us in action. Band Hall Renovations Have you seen our band hall recently? It is a renovation make over in progress. Our members are very patiently working around what has become a semi-construction zone (thankfully the works are not in our rehearsal space, during the day, and within the access and meeting areas of our hall). Given our social distance requirements and covid compliance, we are not spending lots of social time in this space during winter, but we will be very excited once its completed and we have some order back! The council is upgrading our amenities facilities and entry to comply with building regulation codes, but in the meantime… we ignore the dust and get on with rehearsals, looking forward to building competition. AGM We held our April AGM, but as advised through this, we hold a subsequent special agm meeting later this year (now scheduled in late October). We are doing a once in a band history (hopefully) re-alignment of financials to line with standard July-June accounting period. Our band was set up over 50 years ago (with a March accounting period, which is not ideal in these electronic times). A big paperwork and logistics exercise to do this legally and correctly, but a good move forward to help our band management. Upcoming Events We are looking forward to being involved in the State Band Competitions, being held in Tanunda in late August this year. Its been a while between being on stage performing at a competition event but we are hopeful this will take place and starting our preparations in anticipation. We are also looking forward to the Hahndorf Festival, which we will be preparing an entertainment set for, being held in October. Our training Band HEAVEN BRASS will also be doing a small play at this event. It is a great day out, so fingers crossed for nice weather and favourable covid times!! | |
YouTube Video URL: |
Wow.... the time has flown quick this year, it is already March! Band camp in January for our Bands was a great kick off to the year, where we were able to refocus after a very challenging 2020. A few new pieces and a few old favourites and an appreciation of just being able to get back to a bit of "normal" and enjoy our playing. A great play out on Australia Day for Marion Council gave us an opportunity to dust off some entertainment pieces. ![]() We have just come off stage from recording at Elder Hall, an event organised through S.A.B.A. We performed two pieces, which we will be excited to see how they came out in the video. We will be uploading our performance hopefully in the very near future.... a great piece called Vengeance by local Australian Composer Jared McCunnie. |
We love being able to be out and about in our community and sharing our music. This year has been very challenging for performance, so we are delighted to be able to share a bit of joy. Below is a small video mix of our recent community play at a local school, (via our youtube channel at Or like our facebook public page for more regular updates for what we are up too, where an upload is also available for sharing at #practicewithpurpose #brassband #marioncityband Next few weeks is christmas, with some variations around this years major events to meet SA Health Guidelines. It is great we in South Australia are able to bring a little of brass band happy to conclude the year. Marion City Band is excited to be playing LIVE at the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant on 14th November at Adelaide Oval, in the Mass Band demonstrations, so look out for this telecast. We are also involved in an upcoming Marion Council online Christmas Community Carols in December (replacing the regular glandore christmas community carols), with more information around this in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!!! | |
YouTube Video URL: | |
For more information, see: | |
March, April and May have been interesting times indeed! The year is continuing to move on, with 2020 now being a time to explore different ways of band connection while not being able to rehearse together. Social distancing will be with us for a long while, but hopefully we will in South Australia see an easing of restrictions in the upcoming months allowing us to come back together as we cautiously reboot. This is a very fragile time for our economy and health so one step at a time. There are challenges ahead, but the band committee is continuing to monitor current advise in relation to music and community activities, and will update our members as we have news. We have not been idle. Have you seen our Music Video? It’s a pretty good first go at a social distance banding playout. We hope it puts a smile on your face. You can find it below, or alternatively access it via video on our facebook page at Our AGM was held by Zoom meeting on Wednesday April 29th , and was well attended. The band committee continues to meet monthly through virtual meetings to discuss band matters, plan and communicate. #marioncityband #keepsafekeepsmiling | |
YouTube Video URL: |
So much has changed in the space of a month. It is with great sadness the Marion City Band committee has had to communicate to members and public that our planned KI trip in April is postponed at this time (with circumstances beyond our control), however we are optimistic we will be able to reschedule this at a future date. The world is currently in high alert, not a situation most of us would have considered we would be in, in 2020. We are continuing to follow key advise from WHO and Australian Government Departments around minimising the risk of spread of a strain of virus COVID-19. Social distancing rules and guides have been put in place in Australia, and are being revised daily. Due to the nature of brass band activities such as rehearsals in confined space and public events gatherings, to minimise risk to our organisation and members, most group band activities are on hold at this time. So - a big yes to home practice, and an instrument clean will help pass some down time. Contact to our organisation or other band members is still only a key tap away, so be in touch with us if you wish to chat. We are seeing some interesting public online forums to help home practice, and social media type online group activities involving instrument playing. If you are following some of these, do get involved, and share them along to band organisations, as it is a positive way to keep our music developing and sharing at this time. EASTER – AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL BANDS LIVESTREAM: BrassBanned is putting on a special broadcast, with Tim announcing a 48 hour live marathon stream, with the last 12 YEARS of Nationals being shown(#Brassbanned). Marion City Band has attended 10 consecutive years, so I am sure some of our best (and worse) moments will be shown in full technicolour (or even in HD!). We will share this further on our facebook page so our band enthusiasts can hook in and catch this over the Easter weekend. |
Band together for K.I : April 13th to April 18th We are excited to share that Marion City Band members will be heading across to Kangaroo Island for the week April 13th to April 18th. We have offered our services as volunteers, and will be joining the BlazeAid Team for the week, helping with the rebuild of fencing around the Parndana area in the aftermath of the devastating bushfires on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, along with any other tasks where our diverse skill sets may be of use. We will also be playing a concert on Saturday 18th April for locals, other volunteers and visitors to Kangaroo Island. The positive response has been amazing from our players and families, who are really keen to be able to do something hands on to help out. Being school holidays, a number of our band members are on break or have taken leave from work to be available to travel. A few of our members are assisting another band travelling to the National Band Championships, and we also wish them well. With a gap year for our band, this has enabled us to be able to commit our resources in other ways, as it happens, to helping the rebuild on K.I. Behind the scenes, to move a large number of volunteers, and with the logistics of concerts, we have had some fantastic help putting this all into place. More will be mentioned of the support services and local connections that are making this planning and travel possible, as we update and advertise our information across our facebook page feed in the up-coming weeks. A BIG SHOUT OUT of THANKS to our band members and families, who have committed as a small community to BAND TOGETHER FOR K.I, to volunteer their time, manual labour and music talents for this endeavour. There is a further story around our links with this wonderful part of our State. The SA State Youth Brass Camp in 2019 was hosted on Kangaroo Island, with the area of Parndana being where they stayed. Several of our youth players and music support helpers were involved in this Camp and Music Tour around K.I. We were keen to offer our assistance where we could to help make a difference in their community in the aftermath of the bushfires. Leading up to our departure date, members will be assisting at Saturday BBQs at Stratco St Mary's each weekend until we leave. Please show your support by visiting us and buying a sausage. As travel is self funded by members, all money raised will go towards offsetting travel costs for our members. | |||
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The season of pageants and Christmas carols was again successfully supported, with the bands being involved in the following over the last few months: Mount Gambier Christmas Pageant and Lions Blue Lake Band Festival National Pharmacies Adelaide Christmas Pageant Sunset in the Park with ASO at Marion Warriparinga Wetlands Glenelg Pageant Clovelly Park Primary School Carols Marion Primary School Carols Glandore Community Carols Mount Barker Christmas Pageant Blackwood Christmas Pageant ![]() ![]() ![]() The year's activities concluded with Carols in the Neighbourhood and our traditional band break up evening. As is customary, a number of members were presented with awards, and we also said farewells to a number of long term players, including Music Director Veronica Boulton. We wish them well as they continue on their life journeys. A few well deserved weeks off now during the Christmas and New Year Summer Break! ![]() ![]() All the best to those of our youth heading off in mid January to State Youth Brass Camp....... details of concerts around the riverland will be available on the South Australia Band Association website/facebook. For Marion City Band .... it is BAND CAMP time to start the year off - being held at Aldinga Beach on the Australia Day Long Weekend. There will be a public concert on Monday morning - 27th January .... so look out for further details on this. |
With a busy lead up to Christmas, Marion City Band at last count has 14 upcoming engagements over the next 5 weeks!. A slightly crazy time but exciting being out and about at so many community and festive events. Just a quick recap - last few weeks has included the South Australian Brass Band Solo and Ensemble Competitions, accumulating in a Champion of Champions play off at the 2019 Celebration Dinner and Awards night. We are proud to report the following: Champion of Champions Open Brass : Christopher McDonald (Marion City Band) Champion of Champions Junior Brass : Jayden Doe (Marion City Band) Well done to other entrants, qualifiers for the Champions event and a big thanks to those volunteering at recent SABA events, Continuing on into 2020 we are keen to hear from any interested persons that would like to join us! We have a strong training program in place for those wishing to start their musical journey, or revisit some skills, or just have some fun trying a new instrument, as well as some player vacancies across a range of instruments in both our B Grade and C Grade Bands. Please be in contact with our Presidents, Secretary or Events Co-ordinator if you would like to come along for a rehearsal or two or more! We are particularly keen to hear from experienced Cornet/Trumpet players and percussionists. Please dont be shy .... give us a call! | |||
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A fantastic evening of Celebrations for our 50th Birthday. Special guests on the evening included Mr Doug Burnside (1970 appointed band master), sisters Christine, Susan and Julia (founding Waite Family members), Mr John Davidson (Drum Major 1970, and ongoing member through to early 2000), Mrs Bernice Heaven (honorary member), Mr Robin Kidney (1970 music support), Marion Mayor Kris Hanna, and we had visitors from far and wide – past and current members joining us on the evening. ![]() ![]() ![]() To continue on …. the next 50 Years are kicking off with our usual flurry of events leading up to the festive Christmas season. Look out for us in the next few months, it’s a whirlwind – with the line up being added to as event requests are come in! Some BIG public events upcoming you will see us at include: South Australian State Solo Championships - October 19 Adelaide City - National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant – November 9th Sunset Symphony – Adelaide Symphony Orchestra at Warriparinga Wetlands, Marion – November 9th Mount Gambier Christmas Parade and Blue Lake Band Festival – November 16/17 November and December …. Pageants …. Pageants …. Pageants!! We are continuing to seek expressions of interest for Music Director/s so please contact us (see previous posted info for all details). Application round close October 17 so contact Darren asap if you are considering this opportunity. . |
Marion Bands are well into our practicing now.... with only 2 weeks to go to the S.A State Band Championships, being held Saturday 27th July at the Vogue Theatre. We have two competition bands entered in the states competition, being Marion City Band (playing in A grade Brass due with no other B grade bands competing), and Warriparinga Brass representing in C grade Brass. Our usual wirlwind of rehearsals are taking place, amongst Tour Day (Warri) and Community engagements (and the lovely Winter weather!!) Celebrating 50 - Marion City Band - Saturday 21st September We are planning for September a Celebration 50 Evening on Saturday 21st September at the Marion RSL (our " old" home ..... so stay tuned for updates on this one in the coming weeks!). We are keen to track down old band photos or other memorabilia that may be about from ex-members, so please contact us via our facebook page/messenger if you have some old treasures that we can add to our display! And put the date in your diaries (let us know if you are keen to come - we are contacting membership lists from past details, but not all had email, and people move - so dont be shy...the more the merrier. IF we cant find you.... please contact us! Hope to see you there. | |||
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For more information, see: | |
What a busy few months!. Nationals Rehearsals x2 weekly Edwardstown Sports Complex Opening Entertainment National Band Championships in Queensland Edwardstown Youth Vigil Marion Marion RSL Dawn ANZAC Service, Edwardstown Memorial Gardens ANZAC Service, City March ANZAC Thats a wrap for Term 1.! Keep following our Facebook feeds for update out and about happenings.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Next is the Hahndorf Band Festival on May 11 - watch out for Heaven Brass and Marion mid morning. Entertainment is the focus, so lets see what we show toppers we can pull out of our bells! |
![]() LiveStream of the Band Championships is via website or you can connect on social media If you can't be there in person, tune in on Friday (stage) , Saturday (Street March) and Sunday (stage) to catch up with us! Competition on stage is screened adjudication (so no public timings announcements) - contact a band member who can keep you posted.... | |
For more information, see: | |